When Did Pink Become a "Girl" Color?
Nowadays you can't walk into a kid's store without seeing a clear divide. blue for boys and pink or girls

When Did Pink Become a "Girl" Color?
So when and why did pink and blue become girl and boy colors let's find out today for centuries all kids wore dresses and grew their hair long until the age of six or seven this wasn't just because little kids look adorable in dresses it was for practical reasons toilet training was much easier in a dress in diapers since the fasteners that held the pants in those days weren't easy for kids to use on top of that it took kids much longer to grow out of a dress than a pair of pants which meant parents didn't need to spend as much money on clothes for their kids
Around the mid-1800s children's clothes started hitting the shelves in pastel colors like pink and blue but they weren't intended to be gender specific by 1918 that had changed the general rule at the time was pink for boys and blue for girls the reason according to an article from that year was quote pink being more decided in a stronger color is more suitable for the boy while blue which is more delicate and dainty is prettier for the girl that's right less than a hundred years ago our idea of pink and blue was the complete opposite.
So when did the color switch happen it started in the late 1940s when the concept of the ideal American family took shape men were expected to join the workforce while women were expected to stay at home with the children retailers and marketers started packaging more feminine products in pink and mother started buying them up from that point forward pink was more and more associated with femininity but it wasn't until the 1980s that the line between boy and girl colors became clear for the first time parents could find out the gender of their baby before it was born expecting parents wanted to shop for their new baby and businesses realized that pink and blue could make them some serious green around the same time laws were passed which let companies advertise their products to kids without nearly as many rule it used to be so kids today are exposed to lots of advertising all around them that tends to reinforce what it means to be a boy or a girl including what colors you should wear in other words there's no such thing as boy or girl colors so just wear whatever you like and now you know why pink is considered a girl color comment.